Behaviour Management Consultancy

behaviour management in special education




My work with Response Training in the Northern Territory allows me to dive into one of my favourite topics: Emotional Intelligence in Leadership.
Excellent and inspired leadership always includes a degree of emotional intelligence and one aspect of good leadership is the ability to share the power with the team as you never know where expertise will be discovered.

A recent ABC podcast explores this

and highlights the the research behind the benefits of collaboration over calling in an expert.

Bad leadership is characterised by chaotic communication and can produce toxic workplaces producing burnout and high staff turnover. Many of us, however,  can remember the best bosses we ever had and how these incredible people have had a lasting impression often  directing the trajectory of our working life. 

Gabby Mead

Talking with children

It’s been such a delight to watch my grandchildren develop. I am especially fond of the emergent language  and the sense of play that children

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Gift of the Gab Behavoural Consultancy

Gift of the Gab

Behaviour Management Consultancy

A behaviour management consultancy specialising in special education.

ABN 42 835 519 393.
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